Figma Fundamentals: A Beginners Guide
UI Design • January 3rd, 2024 • by Dan Olsavsky
Lesson Outline
Over the next twelve weeks, I’ll to introduce you to the wonderful world of Figma. Throughout these weekly lessons, we’ll embark on an exciting journey, starting with the basics of Figma’s interface and gradually explore essential design principles and functionalities. From creating shapes and mastering components to collaboration and prototyping, this series will equip you with the foundational skills needed to confidently navigate Figma’s workspace, create captivating designs, and collaborate effectively with teams.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Figma Interface
- Overview of Figma’s workspace elements: canvas, toolbar, layers panel
- Understanding the properties panel: adjusting styles, alignment, and effects
- Navigating and using essential tools: selection, shapes, and text tools
Lesson 2: Creating and Editing Shapes
- Utilizing shape tools to create basic geometric shapes: rectangles, circles, polygons
- Editing shapes using Figma’s editing features: resizing, rotating, and modifying corners
- Combining shapes and using boolean operations for complex shapes
- Adding text layers: creating text boxes, inputting and formatting text
- Applying text styles: adjusting font size, color, alignment, and line spacing
- Using text as shapes: converting text to outlines for design purposes
Lesson 4: Importing and Organizing Assets
- Importing external assets: adding images, icons, and illustrations to Figma
- Organizing assets within Figma files: grouping, renaming, and arranging layers
- Using frames to manage and organize design components
Lesson 5: Mastering Components
- Creating components for reusable design elements: buttons, headers, etc.
- Managing component instances: updating and propagating changes across designs
- Using variants within components for design variations
- Applying constraints for responsive design: maintaining element positioning and scaling
- Utilizing auto-layout for dynamic and responsive components
- Designing adaptive layouts for various screen sizes and devices
Lesson 7: Plugins and Integrations
- Exploring Figma’s plugin ecosystem: installing and using plugins for added functionalities
- Integrating with third-party tools: using integrations for seamless workflows
- Customizing Figma with plugins: enhancing design, productivity, and collaboration
- Creating interactive prototypes: linking frames and screens for user flow
- Adding basic interactions: hover effects, click-through actions, and transitions
- Previewing and testing prototypes within Figma’s interactive environment
Lesson 9: Collaboration and Sharing
- Collaborating in real-time: using comments, mentions, and shared editing features
- Sharing Figma files: setting permissions and access levels for team members
- Using collaboration features: tracking changes, resolving conflicts, and maintaining version control
- Accessing version history: reviewing and restoring previous versions of Figma files
- Managing changes over time: comparing versions and tracking modifications
- Reverting to older versions: restoring specific iterations or stages of design files
Activity: Responsive Components
This activity covers key aspects from each section of the lessons, providing a broad overview of essential concepts in product design and bringing them together in a real-world example.
Parting Words
As we conclude this week’s introduction to Figma Fundamentals, thank you for being part of the learning journey! Join me again next week for more as we continue to explore Figma. Want to continue the conversation? Drop your thoughts in the comments below. If you found today’s article helpful, please consider sharing it with your network. Until next time, keep practicing, experimenting, and refining your skills. Remember, design is a journey of continuous improvement!