Elevating Excellence: Designing for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Product Design   •   May 16th, 2024  •   by Dan Olsavsky

Braille keyboard example

As I reflect on the significance of accessibility in digital product design, I’m reminded of the deeply personal journey that has shaped my perspective on this topic. From navigating life with a disability to raising a child with autism, witnessing the challenges faced by my best friend, who is missing an arm, and experiencing firsthand the realities of growing up in poverty, I’ve come to intimately understand the importance of inclusive design practices. These experiences have fueled my fierce passion for advocating for accessibility in all facets of life, particularly in digital product design.

For me, accessibility isn’t just a professional obligation—it’s a deeply ingrained commitment that stems from empathy, understanding, and a relentless drive to ensure that everyone, regardless of their abilities or socioeconomic background, can access and engage with digital content with ease and dignity. It is my hope that by championing accessibility in my endeavors, I can create a more inclusive and equitable world—one where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and participate fully in the digital landscape.


Web accessibility standards and guidelines serve as cornerstones for inclusive design, guiding seasoned professionals like product owners, designers, and developers in their quest for excellence. While this audience possesses a solid grasp of accessibility principles, this article aims to elevate their expertise by exploring advanced strategies and techniques. By embracing continuous improvement and innovation, we can create digital experiences that not only meet but exceed the needs of all users.

Understanding Diversity and Accessibility Needs

Understanding the diverse socioeconomic backgrounds and accessibility needs of users is paramount for creating truly inclusive digital experiences. When we fail to design with disabilities and/or disadvantages in mind, we not only limit the accessibility of our products but also restrict the potential audience we can effectively market to. Consider this;

  • Over 1 billion people — 12.5 percent of the World’s population — have visual impairments 1
  • It’s estimated that adult ADHD affects more than 8 million adults 2
  • About 130 million adults in the U.S. have low literacy skills according to a Gallup analysis of data from the U.S. Department of Education. This means more than half of Americans between the ages of 16 and 74 (54%) read below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level.
  • According to the National Center for Learning Disabilities, around 15% of the U.S. population, or one in seven individuals, has some form of learning disability.
  • 4 in 10 US adults say they have no disposable income 3

These statistics underscore the importance of designing digital products and services that are accessible, equitable, and cater to the diverse needs of all users, regardless of their socioeconomic background or abilities.

Designing for Diversity

Inclusive design goes beyond ticking boxes—it’s a guiding principle that informs every aspect of the design process. Designing for diversity involves creating digital experiences that cater to a wide range of users with diverse backgrounds, abilities, and needs. Let’s explore tangible ways to embrace diversity in design through the following examples:

  1. User Research and Personas: Ensure your user research includes diverse participants representing different demographics such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, ability, socioeconomic background, and cultural context. Create personas that reflect this diversity to guide your design decisions.
  2. Cultural Sensitivity: Be aware of cultural differences and avoid stereotypes or biases in your designs. Conduct cultural research when designing products for global audiences to ensure that your product is respectful and inclusive.
  3. Language and Communication: Use inclusive language in your product interfaces and documentation. Avoid terms or phrases that may exclude or marginalize certain groups of people. Provide options for language localization to cater to diverse language preferences.
  4. Accessible Typography: Use legible fonts and adequate font sizes to ensure readability for users with visual impairments or reading difficulties. Additionally, provide options for adjusting text size and contrast to accommodate varying visual needs.
  5. Color Contrast: Maintain sufficient color contrast between text and background elements to improve readability for users with color vision deficiencies or low vision.
  6. Multimodal Interfaces: Provide multiple ways for users to interact with digital content, such as voice commands, gestures, and keyboard inputs. This accommodates users with different physical abilities or preferences for interaction.
  7. Responsive Layouts: Design flexible layouts that adapt to various screen sizes and orientations, accommodating users who may access content on different devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers.
  8. Language Localization: Offer language options and localize content to cater to users from different linguistic backgrounds and cultural contexts.
  9. Inclusive Imagery: Use diverse and inclusive imagery that represents a range of demographics, including different ages, genders, races, and abilities. This helps users see themselves reflected in the digital experience.
  10. User Testing with Diverse Participants: Conduct user testing with individuals from diverse backgrounds, abilities, and perspectives to gather feedback and identify potential accessibility barriers. Incorporate this feedback into the design process to improve inclusivity.

By incorporating these design principles and practices, digital professionals can create more inclusive and accessible experiences that cater to the diverse needs of all users.

Designing for Socioeconomic Backgrounds

Incorporating socioeconomic backgrounds into design considerations is crucial for ensuring accessibility and inclusivity. Consider the following aspects when designing digital experiences to accommodate users from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds:

  1. Data Usage and Bandwidth: Optimize digital products to minimize data usage and bandwidth requirements, particularly for users with limited internet connectivity or who rely on mobile data plans with data caps. This ensures that users from low-income households can access content without experiencing excessive data charges.
  2. Language and Literacy Levels: Design interfaces with simplicity and clarity to accommodate users with low literacy levels or limited proficiency in the language used. Avoid complex terminology and provide visual cues to aid comprehension, making digital content more accessible to individuals with diverse educational backgrounds.
  3. Community Engagement and Participation: Facilitate community engagement and participation by designing platforms that empower users to share resources, exchange knowledge, and support one another. By fostering a sense of community, digital products can serve as valuable resources for users from marginalized socioeconomic backgrounds.
  4. Access to Essential Services: Design digital products that provide access to essential services, such as healthcare, education, and financial assistance, for users facing socioeconomic challenges. Ensure that these services are easy to find, navigate, and utilize, prioritizing the needs of vulnerable populations.
  5. Inclusive Pricing and Payment Options: Offer flexible pricing and payment options to accommodate users with limited financial means. Consider implementing sliding scale pricing, discounts for low-income individuals, or alternative payment methods to make digital products more accessible and affordable.

By integrating these considerations into the design process, digital professionals can create more inclusive and equitable experiences that address the needs of users from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.

Advanced Development Techniques

Developers must code with empathy, mastering advanced techniques like leveraging ARIA attributes or optimizing for screen readers. These require deep understanding and address real-world challenges faced by users with disabilities, ensuring flawless functionality that empowers all users to navigate digital content with ease.

Here are a few tips for advanced development techniques to enhance web accessibility:

  1. Semantic HTML: Utilize semantic HTML elements appropriately to provide meaningful structure and context to web content. This not only improves accessibility for assistive technologies but also enhances the overall user experience.
  2. ARIA Roles and Attributes: Implement Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) roles and attributes to enhance the accessibility of dynamic and interactive web elements. ARIA allows developers to convey additional information to assistive technologies, such as screen readers, about the purpose and behavior of UI components.
  3. Keyboard Accessibility: Ensure all interactive elements on the webpage can be accessed and operated using keyboard navigation alone. Implement keyboard focus styles and manage focus order to provide a seamless navigation experience for keyboard users.
  4. Focus Management: Manage focus states dynamically to ensure that keyboard and screen reader users can easily navigate through interactive elements, such as dropdown menus, modal dialogs, and tabs. Implement focus traps and keyboard event handlers to control focus behavior and prevent users from getting trapped in inaccessible interfaces.
  5. Media Accessibility: Provide alternative text for images and captions for multimedia content to ensure accessibility for users with visual or hearing impairments. Implement accessible media players with support for keyboard controls and subtitles or transcripts for audio and video content.
  6. Responsive Design: Create responsive layouts that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and orientations, ensuring accessibility across various devices and viewport sizes. Test and optimize layouts for accessibility on mobile devices, tablets, and desktop computers.
  7. Performance Optimization: Optimize web performance to minimize loading times and improve accessibility for users with limited bandwidth or slower internet connections. Compress images, reduce file sizes, and implement lazy loading techniques to enhance page load speed and responsiveness.
  8. Cross-Browser Compatibility: Test web applications across different browsers and assistive technologies to ensure compatibility and consistent accessibility across diverse user environments. Address browser-specific issues and implement polyfills or fallbacks where necessary to maintain accessibility.

By incorporating these advanced development techniques into your workflow, you can create web applications that are not only functional and performant but also accessible to users of all abilities.

Image caption: A hand wearing a virtual keyboard device that connects to the computer via Bluetooth and allows the user to type in a variety of locations.

Leveraging Assistive Technologies

Understanding and testing with assistive technologies are not just best practices—they’re necessities. Going beyond basic compatibility testing, advanced professionals ensure digital products are optimized for a wide range of assistive technologies, empowering users to engage with content in a way that suits them best.

Here are some ways to leverage assistive technologies to improve the user experience:

  1. Voice Recognition Software: Support voice commands and input methods for users who rely on voice recognition software to interact with digital content. Implement voice-controlled navigation, search, and input functionalities to provide an intuitive and hands-free user experience for individuals with mobility impairments or other disabilities.
  2. Screen Magnifiers: Optimize your website or application for users who use screen magnifiers to enlarge content on their screens. Ensure that text and images scale gracefully and maintain readability at higher zoom levels, allowing users to access and consume content comfortably without sacrificing usability or clarity.
  3. Alternative Input Devices: Accommodate users who use alternative input devices, such as joysticks switches , or sip-and-puff devices , to interact with digital interfaces. Design interfaces with customizable input options and support for adaptive technologies, allowing users to customize input methods according to their individual needs and preferences.
  4. Captioning and Transcripts: Provide closed captions for multimedia content, such as videos and audio recordings, to make them accessible to users who are deaf or hard of hearing. Additionally, offer transcripts for audio content to provide alternative access for individuals who may prefer reading or have difficulty accessing audio content.
  5. High Contrast Modes: Implement high contrast modes or themes to improve readability and visibility for users with low vision or other visual impairments. Allow users to switch between different color schemes or adjust contrast settings to customize the interface according to their visual preferences and needs.
  6. Compatibility Testing: Test your website or application with a variety of assistive technologies, including screen readers, magnifiers, voice recognition software, and alternative input devices, to ensure compatibility and usability for users with diverse accessibility needs. Conduct regular accessibility audits and user testing with individuals who use assistive technologies to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement.

By leveraging assistive technologies effectively, you can create a more inclusive and accessible user experience that caters to the diverse needs of all users, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

Assistive Technology in Action – Meet Jared

Video courtesy of the Pacer Center via YouTube.

Cultivating Accessibility Champions

As stewards of digital accessibility, professionals have a unique opportunity to champion inclusivity. By advocating for accessibility at every stage, they ensure it remains a top priority. Cultivating accessibility champions within organizations creates a more inclusive digital landscape for all.

Here are some strategies to cultivate accessibility champions:

  1. Education and Training: Provide comprehensive training and education on web accessibility principles, guidelines, and best practices to raise awareness and build expertise within your organization. Offer workshops, seminars, and online courses on accessibility topics tailored to different roles and skill levels, empowering employees to become advocates for accessibility in their respective areas.
  2. Leadership Support: Secure buy-in and support from senior leadership to prioritize accessibility initiatives and allocate resources for accessibility-related projects. Encourage executives to champion accessibility efforts and lead by example, demonstrating a commitment to creating inclusive digital experiences across the organization.
  3. Internal Advocacy Groups: Establish internal advocacy groups or committees dedicated to promoting accessibility awareness and advocacy within the organization. Invite employees from diverse departments and backgrounds to participate in these groups, fostering collaboration and shared ownership of accessibility initiatives.
  4. Accessibility Policies and Guidelines: Develop and implement accessibility policies, guidelines, and standards that outline organizational commitments to accessibility and provide clear guidance on accessibility requirements for digital products and services. Ensure that these policies are communicated effectively to all employees and integrated into the organization’s development processes and workflows.
  5. Cross-Functional Collaboration: Foster collaboration and communication across different departments and teams, including product development, design, engineering, quality assurance, and customer support, to ensure that accessibility considerations are integrated throughout the entire product lifecycle. Encourage cross-functional teams to work together on accessibility-related projects and initiatives, leveraging diverse perspectives and expertise to drive innovation and improvement.
  6. Accessibility Audits and Feedback Loops: Conduct regular accessibility audits and evaluations of digital products and services to identify accessibility barriers and areas for improvement. Encourage employees to participate in usability testing sessions and provide feedback on accessibility issues, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and user-centered design.
  7. Community Engagement and Partnerships: Engage with external accessibility organizations, advocacy groups, and communities to stay informed about industry trends, best practices, and emerging technologies in the field of accessibility. Partner with external experts and consultants to provide additional training, guidance, and support for accessibility initiatives within the organization.

By implementing these strategies, you can cultivate a network of accessibility champions who are passionate about promoting inclusivity and driving positive change within your organization, ultimately creating more accessible and equitable digital experiences for all users.

Recommended Resources

For further exploration and guidance on web accessibility, I’ve curated a selection of invaluable resources to support your journey toward creating inclusive digital experiences. The following links will all open in a new tab.

Closing Thoughts

Accessibility isn’t merely a checkbox to be ticked—it’s a moral imperative and a testament to our commitment to inclusivity and equity. As we conclude our exploration of advanced accessibility strategies and techniques, let us remember that our work extends far beyond pixels and code; it shapes the experiences of real people with diverse abilities and backgrounds. By embracing a mindset of continuous improvement and innovation, and by cultivating a community of accessibility champions within our organizations, we can pave the way for a digital future that is truly accessible to all. Let us remain steadfast in our dedication to designing for diversity, elevating accessibility excellence, and ensuring that no one is left behind in the digital age.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article! I value your interest and engagement. I invite you to continue the conversation by sharing your thoughts, questions, or feedback in the comments section below. Don’t forget to like and share this article with your network if you found it valuable. And remember to check back in a couple weeks for my next insightful article. Until then, stay creative and keep exploring!

1 National Library of Medicine: “World blindness and visual impairment: despite many successes, the problem is growing”, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5820628/

2 National Library of Medicine: “The prevalence of adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A global systematic review and meta-analysis”, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7916320/ 

3 Federal Reserve, Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2022, https://www.federalreserve.gov/publications/files/2022-report-economic-well-being-us-households-202305.pdf